Inhalt: Sammelordner + 3 Booster Packs + Checklist Poster + 2 Holo Giant Cards (Dennis Schröder + Stephen Curry)
Großhandelsinfo: 25 Stück im Umkarton (10,97KG/50PN/100GH)
• Pure Basketball: first ever NBA Top Class
• All 30 NBA teams featured in the collection
• High-quality pictures and materials. Info and data to enrich the back of the cards.
• Thick cardboard
• 270 cards to collect and to perfectly complete the binder. The base set includes 135 cards.
• Twenty base cards enhanced with super-rare real autographs inserted, on average, in every 475 packets of eight cards.
• Look for 9 special subsets, including the Unbeatable in five different colour variants.